Monday 20 December 2010

My understanding of diplomacy today

My understanding diplomacy today differs from my view on diplomacy in September.
I realized that diplomacy involved wider range of activities than I thought. For example, a modern diplomacy involves also trade issues, propaganda, NGOs, celebrities etc.

During evolution of diplomacy the role of diplomacy substantially changed.
Diplomacy is possible to understand from various points of view. For example, as managing international relations, way of communication, representation etc.
Diplomacy involves also information gathering and consular services. Diplomacy provides information for government, particularly in the United Kingdom it is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Diplomacy is crucial for making and the implementation of foreign policy.
White argues: “There are two major stages in foreign policy – the making and implementation (or carrying out) of policy.  A simple view suggests that the making of foreign policy is the exclusive business of government.  So important is foreign policy to the achievement of the ‘national interests’ of the state that the most senior members of government will oversee and control the policy process” (White, 2005, 396).
So what is the role of a diplomat and which virtues he/she should possess?
A diplomat at the present time must be able to pursue interests of his country abroad. Moreover, the person needs language, negotiation, IT skills etc.
However, Harold Nicolson points out at virtues of a diplomat in views of a French diplomat de Calliรจres:
“The good diplomatist must have an observant mind, a gift of application which rejects being diverted by pleasures or frivolous amusements, a sound judgement which takes the measure of things as they are.
The good negotiator must have the gift of penetration such as will enable him to discern the thoughts of men and to deduce from the least movement of their features which passions are stirring within.
The diplomatist must be quick, resourceful, a good listener, courteous and agreeable. He should pay attention to women, but never lose his heart. Courage also is an essential quality.  The negotiator must possess the patience of a watch-maker and be devoid of personal prejudices.  He must have a calm nature, be able to suffer fools gladly, and should not be given to drink, gambling, women, irritability, or any other wayward humorous and fantasies” (Nicolson, 1954, 64-65).
As is seen above the list of abilities of a modern diplomat is very long. A diplomat has to possess those abilities and be able to use in a modern diplomacy.
Henry Kissinger - one of the most successful and important US diplomats

Tasks of diplomacy are also possible to divide to six areas.
Barston these tasks as follows:
  1. Ceremonial:
-         Protocol
-         Representation
-         Visits
  1. Management
-         Day-to day problems
-         Promotion of interests
-         Explanation and defence of policy
-         Strengthening bilateral relations
-         Bilateral co-ordination
-         Multilateral co-operation
  1. Information and communication
-         Assessment and reporting
-         Monitoring
  1. International negotiation
  2. Duty of protection
  3. Contribution to international order (Barston, 2006, 2)
It can be concluded that during the module I obtained new knowledge, information and skills about diplomacy. I understand diplomacy better and from broader point of view.

Barston,R.P. (2006). Modern Diplomacy, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow
Nicolson,H. (1954). The Evolution of Diplomatic Methods, Constable and Company Ltd, London
White,B. in Baylis & Smith (2005). The Globalization of World Politics, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford

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